📜 Professional Certificates
🔢 Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization
Offered By: Imperial College London
Platform: Coursera
Specialization: 3-course series - Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, PCA
🎓 Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Offered By: New York University
Platform: Coursera
Specialization: Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance (Advanced level)
📊 Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling
Offered By: University of Pennsylvania
Platform: Coursera
Topics: Probabilistic Models, Linear Models, Classical Optimization, Regression Models
🤖 Managing Machine Learning Projects with Google Cloud
Offered By: Google Cloud
Platform: Coursera
Specialization: Digital Transformation Using AI/ML (Training, evaluating, deploying ML models)
💡 Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-on Python & R In Data Science
Offered By: Udemy
Platform: Udemy
Topics: Data Preprocessing, Regression, Classification, Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction, Model Selection & Boosting
🌐 AWS Machine Learning
Offered By: Amazon Web Services
Platform: Coursera
Specialization: MLOps | Machine Learning Operations (Advanced level)
💰 Financial Markets
Offered By: Yale University
Platform: Coursera
Category: Financial Markets, Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Finance